Reason: It serves as insulation for the fireplace, not giving the firebrick below a chance to absorb any heat This makes the heat reflect off the ashes and heats up the room in less time.
Reason: When wood is stacked in a confined area the smoke will follow an open flame. So, it is necessary to stack all the wood in the same direction. Preferably at a 45 degree angle or like a stairway toward the back of the chimney.
a. Heat will erode the firebrick if the grate is against the back wall.
b. It is necessary for air to circulate around the fire to keep it burning.
Reason: Pine crackles, pops and the residue from the sap creates creosote build up in the chimney quicker than hardwoods. So, we highly recommend hardwoods, i.e.: oak, eucalyptus or hickory.Hardwoods burn cleaner, hotter and longer.